Basics -the plumbing for hot water is in principle the same as for cold, but there are certain additional factors that apply to hot water systems, and these must be taken in account (e.g. Iength and diameter of pipes, insulation, safety devices, etc.).
Layout of pipelines -connection of hot water storage tank and collectors to be of shortest possible distance.
-Pipes should not be exposed to the weather if possible. (keep pipes inside the house where possible).
-All connections must be of good quality.
-Adequate spacing must be left for insulation (insulation thickness: 30 to 50 mm).
-Air valves and drainage valves must be in accessible places.
-Layout must allow complete drainage of the entire system.
Diameter-pipe diameter depends on different factors, such as:
- Consumption/time unit
- Total quantity/time
- Length
- Materials, etc.